Statori Documentation
Statori Documentation describes about theme installation and the features
Theme Installation
Generally, you can install the theme in two ways either by FTP/Cpanel or via WordPress Dashboard itself.
Theme Installation Via FTP/Cpanel
To Install the theme via FTP/Cpanel follow these steps:
- Download a Copy of Theme zip file from Themeforest.
- Save the downloaded theme zip file in your hard drive.
- Extract the downloaded zip file.
- Now Connect the ftp server using the FTP details and copy the extracted folder to your WordPress theme direcetory
- Now go to the Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
- You’ll see the theme in the theme dashboard.
- Activate the theme.
Theme Installation Via WordPress Dashboard
To install the theme via WordPress Dashboard follow these steps:
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Themes.
- Click on Add New button and Upload Themebutton.
- Upload the theme zip file from local directory
- Click Install button to theme install into the wordpress site.
- Once installed, Activate the theme.
Statori Child Theme
This is statori simple child theme.
Theme Recommendation & Configuration
To install recommended plug-in follow the below steps:
- Check in header notification after activate the theme.
- Theme recommend the plug-in Contact Form 7, Statori Core, Classic Elementor Addons like below screen shot
- Classic Elementor Addons plugin required Elementor Page Builder Plugin
- Click to Appearance > Import Demo Data. You can install, activate, deactivate the plugin from plugin tab.
- Click to install the plug-in to your site like screen shot.
- You have to install demo, after plug-in install.
Demo Installation
Import Demo
Note: Before you start to demo import, You should install the theme and recommended plugin. please check Theme Installation to install theme and plugin to your site.
Note: If you import demo means no need to create post, page.
- Login to you WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Import Demo Data.
- Go to Install Demo and Click Import Data Data bustton to demo installation
General Setup
Statori comes with more features under the theme options.
Theme Options
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Theme Options.
- Typography Options, Header Option, Media Option, Slider Option, Sidebar Sticky Option, Back to Top Option, Copyright Option, Page Loader Option, Post Layout Option and Mailchimp Options are there.
- Once Done, Click Save button.
Color Options
Statori comes with more features under the color options.
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Color Options.
- Top Bar, Nav Bar, Mobile Menu, Sidebar, Footer Top, Footer Bottom, Posts, Button and Theme Color are there.
- Once Done, Click Save button.
Post Layout Options
You can set post layouts with post options & Theme Options.
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer > Theme Options.
- Expand the Post Layout Option and Configure the Post Layouts
- Go to Dashboard > Posts.
- Edit a Post from Posts Table or Create New Post
- Setup the Statori Post Post Options after the post content
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Plugin Options
You can enable/deactivate the plugin widgets and configure custom post type options.
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Classic Elementor > Widget Settings.
- Here you can acivate/deactivate the widget for page builder
- Go to Dashboard > Classic Elementor > Plugin Options.
- Here you can configure custom post type options
Homepage Setup
Create Pages for home page and blog page before you setup homepage
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Settings > Reading.
- Set Homepage and Posts Page. Like below screenshot.
Header Setup
Theme comes with header features. You can show website look better.
Configure Logo
Header logo option allows you to display a logo in your site replacing the default site tagline text. To configure the header logo for your site follow these steps:
- Login to you WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customize.
- Go to General Settings > Header Logo.
- Click on Select Logo button.
- Choose the logo of your choice from the media library.
- You will be provided with the image crop functionality crop the image as per your requirement.
- Then, click on Save & Publish button.
Setup Menu
Note: No need to create Menu, If you installed demo on your site.
You must create a menu before you can add item to it.
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus.
- Click Create a new menu at the top of the page.
- Enter a name for your new menu in the Menu Name Field.
- Click the Create Menu button.
Now you can add items to the menu.
- Locate the panel entitled Pages.
- Within this panel, select the View All link to bring up a list of all the currently published Pages on your site.
- Select the Pages that you want to add by clicking the checkbox next to each Page’s title.
- Click the Add to Menu button located at the bottom of this pane to add your selection(s) to the menu that you created in the previous step.
- Click the Save Menu button once you’ve added all the menu items you want.
Configure Header Banner
You can show banner in your site after the header
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer.
- Expand the Header Image tab.
- Click Add New Image to upload new images through media library.
- Please read description we recommended banner image size before you upload image.
- Click Publish button to show on website
Configure Breadcrumb
You can setup breadcrumb to your site. customers easily navigate to previous page or related pages.
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer.
- Go to Theme Options > Header Option.
- Click Enable Breadcrumb to activate the breadcrumb
- Click Publish button to show on website
Activate Sticky Header
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer.
- Go to Theme Options > Header Option.
- Click Enable Sticky Header option to activate header sticky
- Click Publish button to show on website
Footer Setup
You can set footer top with 4 column and change copyright text
Footer Top
You can display 4 footer widget areas in the Footer. To Configure these footer widgets follow these steps:
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets.
- Drag and Drop the widgets of your choice to Footer One, Footer Two, Footer Three & Footer Four widget areas.
- Configure the widget contents and settings.
- Once Done, Click on Save button.
Footer Bottom
You can change copyright text to your website:
- Login into WordPress Dashboard.
- Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Customizer.
- Go to Theme Options > Copyright Option.
- Write Copyright Text into the Field.
- Click Publish button to show on website.
Shortcode Setup
Classic elementor addons plugin comes with more shortcode widget
Portfolio Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the Extra class, post per page, excerpt length, include categories and read me options
- Layout tab holds the colors, portfolio layout, portfolio masonry, isotope filter, masonry layout, post items and post overlay items.
- Image tab holds the image size type and image hard crop
- Slide tab holds the slide on/off options, slide items, autoplay, margin, speed, navigation and pagination
- Spacing tab items spaces. each portfolio items bottom space.
- Go to Dashboard > Portfolio.
- Edit a Post from Portfolio Table or Create New Portfolio
- Setup the CEA Portfolio Options after the Portfolio content
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Team Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the Extra class, post per page, excerpt length and read me options
- Layout tab holds the colors, team layout and team items
- Overlay tab holds the colors, team items and overlay type
- Image tab holds the image size type and image hard crop
- Social Icons tab holds icon type and icon colors
- Slide tab holds the slide on/off options, slide items, autoplay, margin, speed, navigation and pagination
- Spacing tab items spaces. each team items bottom space.
- Go to Dashboard > Team.
- Edit a Post from Team Table or Create New Team
- Setup the CEA Team Options after the Team content
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Testimonial Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the Extra class, post per page, excerpt length and read me options
- Layout tab holds the colors, testimonial layout and testimonial items
- Image tab holds the image size type and image hard crop
- Slide tab holds the slide on/off options, slide items, autoplay, margin, speed, navigation and pagination
- Spacing tab items spaces. each testimonial items bottom space.
- Go to Dashboard > Testimonial.
- Edit a Post from Testimonial Table or Create New Testimonial
- Setup the CEA Testimonial Options after the Testimonial content
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Service Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the Extra class, post per page, excerpt length and read me options
- Layout tab holds the colors, service layout and service items
- Image tab holds the image size type and image hard crop
- Slide tab holds the slide on/off options, slide items, autoplay, margin, speed, navigation and pagination
- Spacing tab items spaces. each service items bottom space.
- Go to Dashboard > Services.
- Edit a Post from Services Table or Create New Service
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Contact Us Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the Extra class, contact form and contact layout
- Layout tab holds the colors and alignment
- Go to Dashboard > Contact.
- Edit a Post from Contact Form Table or Create New Contact Form
- Once Done, Publish the Post.
Featurebox Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- Title tab holds the color, transform, heading tag and link
- Layout tab holds the colors, featurebox layout and featurebox items
- Image tab holds the image size type and image hard crop
- Icon tab holds the icon font, icon size, icon style and icon color.
- Video tab holds the Video Url
- Button tab holds the Button Text, Button Url and Button Type.
- Contant tab holds content textarea of Featurebox.
- Spacing tab items spaces. each featurebox items bottom space.
Flipbox Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- Title tab holds the color, transform and link
- Layout tab holds the alignment and layout type
- Image tab holds the image upload, image style and hover effect
- Icon tab holds the icon font, icon size, icon style and icon color.
- Button tab holds the Button Text, Button Url and Button Type.
- Contant tab holds content textarea of Featurebox.
- Primary Box tab holds heading tag, colors, primary items, spaces and background image.
- Secondary Box tab holds heading tag, colors, secondary items, spaces and background image.
Counter Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the extra class, title, counter value, content, icon font and image
- Layout tab holds the color, heading tag, counter items, icon style, duration and counter suffix
- Spacing tab items spaces. each counter items bottom space.
Circle Progress Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the extra class, title, progress value and content
- Layout tab holds the color, heading tag, progress items, progress size, duration and thickness
- Spacing tab items spaces. each progress items bottom space.
Icon Widget
Make sure you have activated the widget on plugin – widget setting
- Drag and drop the widget from Elmentor Widget Area to Elementor Preview Panel
- General tab holds the extra class and alignment
- Icon tab holds icon font, size, style, variation and color.